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Is your name wifi? Because I'm feeling a connection

This is according to British research the most used chat-up line of Gen Z. I think it’s funny that such a cheesy sentence is used so often. Maybe because it’s so cheesy that it makes you laugh and is hopefully the start of an interesting conversation.

The word ‘connection’ is why it grabbed me as the reality seems to be that people born between 1995 and 2015 feel very little connection. Little connection with themselves and also with others. Many feel overwhelmed by the pressures of life, unsure about who they are and what they have to offer and are looking for answers what the next step forward is, often believing social media will give them guidance.

It saddens me that young people with so much beauty, potential and talent are apparently struggling more than my own generation at that age. I love to show them that ‘being you’ is good enough and that there are so many ways to live a fulfilling life and find balance. I am not an expert on burn-out, but I do know a lot about finding out who you are, what you want and achieving your goals. The answers come with reflection and taking time to learn more about yourself and in having the guts to be honest with yourself and your nearest and dearest. Give it any name: life coaching, vitality coaching, career coaching whatever.

Want to know more about strategizing the next chapter of your (working) life? Send me a dm or email and I will send you my information sheet.

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